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We invite you to join this collaborative.
According to recent research, experiencing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
" early childhood was associated with below-average, teacher-reported academic and literacy skills and behaviour problems in kindergarten. These findings underscore the importance of integrated approaches that promote optimal development among vulnerable children."
Jimenez ME, Wade R, Lin Y, et al. Pediatrics. 2016;137(2): e20151839
Thriving Together emerged from feedback from Early Childhood Educators who told us that they know when a child and family are struggling but they do not have the time or skills to help address the complex issues presented.
The sector called for a wrap around service support to ensure all children accessed early learning, to provide access to expert early intervention support and to provide access to trauma informed care.
Thriving Together is an open collaborative movement to promote local evidence practice within the context of what matters to the local community.
There is an open invite to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) service to join the collaborative in a bid to:
Thriving Together is creating a new way of engaging children, families, and communities to help adapt local solutions to local problems. The ECEC sector is critical to the creation of local solutions and to this end we invite anyone involved in the sector to join this grass roots movement by connecting with us.
For a deeper dive into ACEs and the impact on the ECEC sector check out the Aces & Trauma-Informed Practices for Children and Educators in Early Childhood Education by Ariel Lani Llorente.