We are committed to give every Australian child the opportunity to develop and thrive.
We put the child at the centre of connected systems to break the cycle of disadvantage.
Who We Are
Thriving Together is a grassroots movement focused on reducing educational vulnerabilities in children transitioning to school.
We aim to achieve this goal by strengthening resilience within families, communities, early education and care services and the local health, welfare and social care system.
The Thriving Together collective operates in four (4) spaces.
We work in vulnerable communities, where significant trauma and disruption has had an impact.
Our Approach
We support those systems to self heal by engaging the community, inspiring new ways of operating, facilitating peer support, reducing the stress on parents and promoting change in each system so that together communities can thrive.
Children living in poverty are much more likely to experience trauma and disruption.
Without protective factors in place, many children will become physically, psychologically, emotionally, socially and developmentally vulnerable.
Our Response to Coronavirus
COVID-19 is taking more families into poverty. We understand it is a priority to work with these families to strengthen resilience and thrive.
The Collaborative
Thriving Together is proud to partner with the following organisations:
Thriving Together thanks the following organisations for their incredibly generous support: